

Industrial Park Prejmer

Production, storaje hall for rent in the northwestern part of Brasov, Prejmer area, located on DN10 national road


torage / production spaces to let in Prejmer area

Prejmer Industrial Park is located north-east of Brasov City, on DN10, adjoining Prejmer Commune.

The park is located at 13 km distance from Brasov, 7 km from Brasov’s ring road and 2 km from the junction between DN11/E574 (Brasov-Tg. Secuiesc) and DN10.

The acces is made directly from DN10, the park being placed on the right side coming from Prejmer towards Brasov.

Prejmer Industrial Park is a modern project of industrial halls with storage or production spaces that covers 84 hectares and has been developed in stages, starting with 2006. The park includes existing halls with a total of 88,000 sq m GLA, with additional plots of land for future extensions.

Completion date 2006

GBA existing 88,000 m²


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